What Your Donations Can Do


provides an Ozzy the Elephant teddy for cuddles and comfort.


sends Mum & kids to Pizza Hut for respite during Dad’s treatment.


funds a local Animal Park for a family.

We support children and young people across the UK & Northern Ireland

We support children and young people across the UK & Northern Ireland whose parent have a cancer diagnosis, are undergoing cancer treatment, has seen a cancer recurrence, died from cancer & beyond.

Help make a difference. Become a Fundraiser.

Set yourself a challenge! Bake a difference, get your schools, college, work place, gym class involved and do a group fundraiser. Be as creative as you like. Use what you like to do and turn it into a fundraiser and get your networks involved. Organise a tea party, hold a ball, and take part in dress down Friday, so we can continue to support children during a parent’s cancer treatment.

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"The Trust supported my children’s friend during their Mum’s cancer. On our recent holiday, we got sponsored to build as many sandcastles as we could in an hour. Over £100 was raised to support other children"


Over 3,900 children & young people supported across the UK & NI to date.


Over 1,950 families where children are affected by their parent’s cancer supported to date


We are supporting 8 x the amount of children since we helped our first family back in Jan 2015

Support for
my children

Recently diagnosed and/or going through cancer treatment? Get support for your children here

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Trust Shop

Our own shop, where all profit from purchases goes back in the Trust.

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Information to refer a patient with children

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